We are excited to announce the first JFK Catholic School Cash Bash on Saturday, September 28, 2024 at the South Franklin Fire Hall. Join us as we fundraise for our school!
There will be no tickets sold at the door! Purchase tickets from a parent, contact the school or from event coordinators Kielly Carroll or Leigh Mawhinney.Doors Open at 5:15pm, first drawing begins at 6pm
Cash Prizes every 15 minutes
FREE Food & Refreshments included with your ticket
Must be 21 to enter
Massive Basket Auction
King Tuts and other raffles night of event!
$1,000 Prize at 7:00 PM
$3,000 Prize at 9:00 PM!
Tickets are $30 Donation per person
There will be no tickets sold at the door! Purchase tickets from a parent, contact the school or from event coordinators Kielly Carroll or Leigh Mawhinney.
John F. Kennedy Catholic School is looking for sponsors for our Cash Bash on September 28, 2024. We have several sponsorship levels and opportunities available. Your support shows our community that you care about the children who will ultimately be leaders both here in southwestern Pennsylvania and beyond.
Right now we are looking for sponsorships and can use your help! Please see the flyers linked above in the Sponsorship section for sponsorship levels and a donation letter. Any family that coordinates a sponsorship will get 10% of any donation over $30 toward their assessment. We are also taking Chinese Auction donations and any baskets or donations can be dropped off at the school.
A BIG thank you to all who have helped so far! Please consider donating an auction item or a gift basket! To make the auction even more exciting, we have lottery rakes! We are still in need of: lottery tickets and gift cards of any denomination. ALL AUCTION ITEMS AND BASKETS are due into the office on Monday, September 23rd.